
Abel offers a choice of infrastructure options for running Abel®.
Our consultants will work with you to help you make the right
choice for your business.

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Infrastructure means the hardware, system software, network resources and services required to run your Abel system. Abel offers several infrastructure options including On Premises, Hosted and Hybrid. With Abel you can choose the infrastructure option that works best for your business.

On Premises

On premises means the Abel server hardware and database is located at your offices. On Premises deployment is suited to businesses that:

  • Wish to manage and control their own hardware and software infrastructure.
  • Want to access their ERP system locally rather than be dependent on internet availability.
  • Face regulatory restrictions over where data can be stored.

Most Abel customers choose to run their Abel systems on premises. Those with multiple locations usually have an Abel server at each location. Refer Enterprise Management for how Abel handles multiple locations and head office consolidations.

Abel’s System Administrators Toolset provides robust tools for backup and day-to-day management of your Abel system by your own staff, negating the need for expensive IT support teams. Our Abel consultants provide assistance when required for example, Abel upgrades.


Hosted means the Abel server hardware and database is located at a specialized data center rather than being located at your offices. The anytime-anywhere access and scalability offered by these services is suited to businesses that:

  • Have a fast and reliable Internet Service Provider.
  • Wish to outsource their IT responsibilities and have their Abel computer server housed and managed by a specialized IT service provider.
  • Wish to scale their capacity quickly and easily as their needs change.
  • Can cope with some risk of internet outage


Hybrid means a mixture of On Premises and Hosted. This strategy is suited to those businesses that want to manage some IT resources in house and contract other services to an external IT service provider.

The benefits of this solution vary on a case-by-case basis as they depend on what services you choose to run locally and what services you choose to outsource.

See also System Administrators Toolset.

What our customers say:

  • Chris Bowman

    Chief Executive - Cosana

    "“Without a doubt, we know Abel has all the flexibility and functionality we need to grow and succeed, as well as the support and innovation we might need along the way. The rest is up to us.” "

  • Gavin Thwaites

    Chief Executive Officer - Dairy Technology Services

    "We couldn’t be happier with Abel,” he says. “Automating our processes has made us so much more efficient. We have fewer people working on manual tasks, we’ve cut costs and we now have the traceability and visibility we needed across our business. That’s making it easier for the whole organization to succeed."

  • NZ Drinks


    "For NZ Drinks, automation was a great decision, and Abel’s robustness and flexibility provides us with a great foundation for growth, if we wanted to quadruple our business tomorrow, we wouldn’t have to change anything."

  • Disc Brakes Australia


    "Once you configure Abel to suit your business processes, it just delivers. You get a system that can handle a very high level of complexity which would cost a lot more if you went anywhere else. I hate to think where we might have been today without Abel."

  • Cory Nielson

    Director of Information Technology - Alsco

    "Abel spent time getting to know how our business works and how to make us better. Our accountants are all amazingly surprised how much the new system has simplified their lives. We’ve already reduced the time for closing our monthly reports from nine or ten business days to four."

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