Abel Jobbing Process with Variations

Posted on 11.01.2024 by Rik

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It can be challenging to manage jobs that include variations. Abel has extensive job variation functionality. Abel’s variations are most useful when you need to justify or itemize additional items or other variations in a quoted jobbing process and invoice them to the customer.

Abel offers two Variation processes for use with Jobbing:

  • Variations can be managed on a separate variation document
    This approach suits complex jobs that involve multiple plant documents; Jobs that require variations to be invoiced separately; or any other case where you require variations to be managed in a separate variation document.
  • Variations can be managed as lines on the original job document.
    This approach suits simple jobs that have only one Job document.
Single Job with Variations

For a single job with variation lines, the variations are added to the job.

In this example an extra part was required and it was processed as a variation:

Abel ERP Image show variation 1

Variations appear on the Job screen with a yellow background:

Abel ERP image shows variation 2

Jobbing Process with Variation Job Document

Installers can configure a jobbing process that includes a separate Variation Job. Variations from multiple related jobs in the jobbing workflow can be captured in the one variation job.

Abel ERP image shows variation example flow

This example shows one Job in a multi-job workflow and a variation being produced from it:

Abel ERP image shows example 3

When you produce an invoice from a Variation document. Abel builds the invoice and includes all the variation lines on it. (Alternatively, if an invoice already exists and is open, Abel will add the variation lines to the existing invoice). Variations can be invoiced either together with other items from the job(s), or they can be invoiced separately.

This example shows two variation lines on a Customer Invoice screen. The invoice can be generated for print or email.

Abel ERP image shows variation 4