Abel’s Supplier Order Status

Posted on 05.02.2024 by Rik

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Keeping tabs on potential shortages is a small but important task. Abel’s Supplier Orders Due screen helps your team see at a glance when a delivery is likely to be late so you can proactively manage any impact on your manufacturing schedule.

Abel lets you to edit Supplier Order due dates and update them with the Supplier’s confirmed delivery date. This helps you to see the delivery status at a glance, and to quickly work out what needs your attention.

Orders with a green background have confirmed Due Dates from the Supplier.

Operators should focus on unconfirmed and late items:

  • Firstly, anything where the due date is in the past
  • Then, orders with Red Due Dates are likely to be late (later than their Required Date). These warrant your attention and (if critical to your operation) may need a mitigation strategy.