Starshipit streamlines and automates the fulfilment process and integrates with a range of couriers and eCommerce platforms.

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  • What is Starshipit?

    Starshipit is fulfilment software for online businesses that integrates with a range of couriers and eCommerce platforms. Starshipit streamlines and automates the fulfilment process.

  • Why use Starshipit?

    Starshipit helps reduce the manual work and double handling involved in arranging courier shipments using multiple separate systems.

  • Abel and Starshipit

    Abel’s Starshipit interface takes the hassle out of booking couriers to ship goods to your Customers.

    The below examples show Abel screens with integrated Starshipit functions that streamline the shipping process for Customer Despatches that you want to ship via courier:

    1. ShipITOrder – Create or update the Courier Order
    2. ShipITLabel – Obtain the shipping label
    3. ShipITAddress – Validate the address
    4. ShipITTracking – Retrieve the tracking details
    5. The Tracking Reference shows in the Abel despatch header
    6. The Tracking Details button opens another Abel screen that shows the tracking data.
    7. When the parcel is delivered, Abel’s Starshipit interface functions update the Document Description and the Received fields in Abel to show the delivered status and other details.